CoolSculpting Elite

Consultations offered at our seven convenient locations in Brea, Costa Mesa, Glendora, Lancaster, Rancho Cucamonga, Whittier and West Hollywood

CoolSculpting Elite

CoolSculpting Elite is a new and improved body contouring system that eliminates fat through cryolipolysis. Like the original CoolSculpting machine, CoolSculpting Elite is convenient, effective, and safely freezes away unwanted fat.

It’s completely non-surgical, non-invasive, and there’s no recovery time. Unlike the original system, CoolSculpting Elite now has two applicators that allow for twice the fat removal in the same amount of time. These innovative new applicators have been optimized for fit, comfort, and efficiency.

Skin Perfect Medical Aesthetics is committed to offering our patients the latest and greatest in cosmetic solutions, and is pleased to be one of the first to offer this groundbreaking technology at his Skin Perfect Medical Aesthetics offices in Glendora and Whittier. Schedule a consultation today to find out whether CoolSculpting Elite can help you finally get rid of stubborn fat that diet and exercise simply can’t!

Before and After Photos

Skin Perfect Glendora: #1 CoolSculpting Provider in the Nation!

We’re proud to announce that Skin Perfect Glendora is now the top CoolSculpting provider in the country! Thank you to our amazing clients for helping us achieve this milestone. Visit us to experience the best in CoolSculpting!

About CoolSculpting Elite

About CoolSculpting Elite

In a recent report by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, the #1 aesthetic concern of consumers is excess body fat – and it had been for the last 6 years! (1) It’s no wonder then that following the success of CoolSculpting, Allergan, the company that also brought us Botox, Latisse and CoolTone, decided to improve the existing technology for even better results.

CoolSculpting Elite works on the same principle as its predecessor: fat cells are less resistant to cold than other living body cells. As the fat cells are exposed to extremely low temperatures and freeze, they experience cell death. The body then eliminates the dead fat cells and leaves you with a trimmer, leaner appearance. Patients love the CoolSculpting systems because unlike liposuction, and other fat-removal aesthetic procedures, it’s non-invasive. That means there’s no risk of unsightly scarring or surgical complications! 

CoolSculpting Elite features a new range of applicators. Since the CoolSculpting system is FDA approved for several different parts of the body, these applicators now come in seven different sizes and shapes for improved contact with treatment areas. Another important advancement of CoolSculpting Elite is the larger C-shaped applicator cups. This adjustment allows the applicator better contact with the body’s natural curves, resulting in better suction and more even treatment. They also feature a cooling area that is 18% larger for more access to troublesome areas. (2)

Why not eliminate as much fat as you can in as little time possible? Don’t delay achieving your aesthetic goals. CoolSculpting Elite makes it possible.

Elite Benefits

A single CoolSculpting session was shown to reduce fat cells by up to 25% from the selected location. (3)  Because CoolSculpting Elite now features two applicators, patients can choose to treat two areas of the body in one session. Not only does this save time and speed up fat removal, but patients can also rely on more symmetrical results by treating both sides of the body simultaneously.

CoolSculpting Elite can treat:

  • Submental (under chin)
  • Male chest
  • Arms
  • Abdomen
  • Love handles aka flanks
  • Bra strap back bulges
  • Banana rolls (bulges under the buttocks)
  • Inner and outer thighs

CoolSculpting Elite is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges. It is also FDA-cleared to affect the appearance of lax tissue with submental area treatments.(2) This is great news for those unhappy with the appearance of “jowls” or a “turkey neck” but would prefer not to go under the knife. CoolSculpting Elite can take years off of your face and neck, turning back the clock, and turning up your confidence.


CoolSculpting Elite Candidates

Ideal candidates for CoolSculpting Elite are at or near their ideal body weight and lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Besides having a reasonable amount of fat to treat, patients should also have skin that is in good condition. Patients without the necessary skin elasticity may be disappointed to find sagging or drooping skin after the fat leaves the treated area. We will be able to assess your candidacy during your personal consultation. 

It’s important to remember that CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss method. It doesn’t aim to drastically reduce your body weight. Instead, CoolSculpting is fat-loss that targets deposits on your body that persist even after diet and exercise. Think of CoolSculpting Elite treatments as the finishing touches on the masterpiece that is you!

Check out what other services can give you that little extra edge by following the Skin Perfect Blog.

Your Personal Consultation at Skin Perfect

Call or text our office (909) 281-9020, or in Glendora at (626) 414-5194 and Whittier (562) 278-3202 to schedule a consultation.

A personal consultation is the first step on your path to elite treatment! At Skin Perfect, we ask new CoolSculpting Elite patients to come in for an initial consultation. Not only do we want to get to know you, and make sure that this treatment is a good solution – this consultation is an important part of the body sculpting process. The team at Skin Perfect works closely with all of our patients to determine the procedure or combination of procedures that are right for them. We will review your medical history. We’ll also discuss what you’d like to improve and why you’re interested in CoolSculpting Elite. Not all patients will be good candidates for this treatment, but we’ll be happy to recommend additional or alternative procedures. We’ll let you know if you qualify to take advantage of the new CoolSculpting Elite technology.


Since CoolSculpting is an outpatient procedure, preparation is relatively simple. Avoid blood thinners and tanning or sun exposure to your treatment area. On the day of your appointment, you should eat a light meal. Don’t go into your appointment on an empty stomach. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes, and bring a tablet or a magazine. You’ll be able to catch up on emails, peruse a magazine or stream a show while CoolSculpting Elite gets to work

Procedure and Recovery

CoolSculpting Elite

The entire CoolSculpting Elite procedure typically only takes about half an hour. You’ll relax while the gel pads and applicators are placed on the targeted areas. The applicators suction onto the gel pad, and begin to emit their cooling technology. Most patients feel a bit of a tingling or suctioning sensation when the treatment first begins, but find it tolerable and notice that it goes away in a few minutes. 

CoolSculpting Elite is a snap. There’s no lengthy or painful recovery.

Some patients report mild aching or irritation at the site, but these are temporary side effects.

Remember, CoolSculpting Elite is non-invasive and non-surgical. That means no downtime. After your session you’ll be able to go about your day and look forward to saying goodbye to that fat for good. 


CoolSculpting Elite patients typically notice their results in a few months after their first session.

coolsculpting elite

Each patient has a different rate of fat elimination, and the amount of time it will take for your body to completely flush out the affected fat cells is unique. However, once the body flushes out fat cells they’re gone for good. Maintain your results with exercise and a healthy lifestyle, and you’ll have no regrets. And, you won’t be alone – research studies find that CoolSculpting patients report high levels of satisfaction.(4)

Pre & Post Care Instructions

Please choose post-care instructions based on your location.

Costa Mesa Instructions

What to Expect During Your Treatment

  • CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure that may take from one to several hours, depending on your treatment plan.
  • No topical anesthesia or pain medication is required.
  • Please be prepared to take before, during, and after photos for clinical documentation. Your photos will NOT be released without your signed consent and explicit permission, if you choose to do so.
  • As the procedure is initiated, vacuum pressure draws tissue into an applicator cup between cooling panels. The vacuum pressure may cause sensations of pulling, tugging, throbbing, and pinching in the area being treated.
  • You may also experience intense stinging, tingling, aching or cramping. These sensations generally subside as the area becomes numb.

What to Expect Immediately After Your Treatment

  • Immediately after the procedure, your treated area may look or feel stiff and transient blanching (temporary whitening of the skin or redness) may occur.
  • You may feel a sense of nausea or dizziness as your body naturally warms and sensation returns to your treatment area. These are normal reactions that typically resolve within minutes.
  • The treated area may be red for up to a few hours after the applicator is removed. This is an expected but temporary effect after CoolSculpting.
  • Bruising, swelling and tenderness can occur in the treated area. This typically resolves within a week or two.
  • Following abdominal coolsculpting – do not do abdominal workouts for 1-4 days. It can take up to a week to recover depending on the soreness of the abdomen. Abdominal crunches or abdominal workouts will prolong the swelling. If you feel well the day following your coolsculpting procedure, feel free to continue with your daily exercise (avoiding abdominal workouts).
  • Nausea, tingling, stinging and cramping in the treatment area are often reported on treatment day.
  • There is typically very minimal recovery time after CoolSculpting. Most patients are able to return to their daily routine immediately after the procedure.What to Expect in the Days and Weeks Following Your Treatment 
  • It is common for the treated area to feel bloated and look swollen in the first few days and weeks following your treatment. 
  • You may experience a temporary dulling sensation (numbness), sharp shocks (muscle spasms) or delayed onset of pain and this is normal. These symptoms typically resolve within a few hours but can last for several weeks to months after your procedure.
  • At some point within the first two weeks following the procedure, you may experience one or more of the following sensations
    • Deep itching
    • Tingling
    • Numbness
    • Tenderness to the touch
    • Pain in the treated area
    • Strong cramping, 
    • Diarrhea
    • Muscle spasms, aching and/or soreness. Extra strength Tylenol 1000 mg (2 tablets) may be taken every 6 hours for pain if you are not allergic to it. Over-the-counter Benadryl is helpful for the deep itching and tingling sensations. Consult with your doctor if these conditions persist beyond two weeks or worsen over time.
  • Following the procedure, a gradual reduction in the thickness of the fat layer will take place. You may start to see changes as early as three weeks After CoolSculpting and you will experience the most dramatic results after three months.
  • To ensure the most optimal results, it is mandatory that you wear a specialized compression garment for a minimum of four weeks following your procedure. This minimizes irregularities and maximizes skin contraction.  Please visit to order your garment in advance if you are not ordering in the office.
  • Skin Perfect can order your compression garment for a fee of $150.  You also have the option of visiting to order the garment yourself.

Next Steps

  • Weight gain will prevent you from appreciating your full results. Maintaining a healthy diet and a daily exercise routine can help prevent this.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Schedule a follow-up medical assessment to review your clinical results and discuss the option of additional treatments to achieve desired fat reduction. 



Glendora Instructions

What to Expect During Your Treatment

  • CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure that may take from one to several hours, depending on your treatment plan.
  • No topical anesthesia or pain medication is required.
  • Please be prepared to take before, during, and after photos for clinical documentation. Your photos will NOT be released without your signed consent and explicit permission, if you choose to do so.
  • As the procedure is initiated, vacuum pressure draws tissue into an applicator cup between cooling panels. The vacuum pressure may cause sensations of pulling, tugging, throbbing, and pinching in the area being treated.
  • You may also experience intense stinging, tingling, aching or cramping. These sensations generally subside as the area becomes numb.

What to Expect Immediately After Your Treatment

  • Immediately after the procedure, your treated area may look or feel stiff and transient blanching (temporary whitening of the skin or redness) may occur.
  • You may feel a sense of nausea or dizziness as your body naturally warms and sensation returns to your treatment area. These are normal reactions that typically resolve within minutes.
  • The treated area may be red for up to a few hours after the applicator is removed. This is an expected but temporary effect after CoolSculpting.
  • Bruising, swelling and tenderness can occur in the treated area. This typically resolves within a week or two.
  • Following abdominal coolsculpting – do not do abdominal workouts for 1-4 days. It can take up to a week to recover depending on the soreness of the abdomen. Abdominal crunches or abdominal workouts will prolong the swelling. If you feel well the day following your coolsculpting procedure, feel free to continue with your daily exercise (avoiding abdominal workouts).
  • Nausea, tingling, stinging and cramping in the treatment area are often reported on treatment day.
  • There is typically very minimal recovery time after CoolSculpting. Most patients are able to return to their daily routine immediately after the procedure.What to Expect in the Days and Weeks Following Your Treatment 
  • It is common for the treated area to feel bloated and look swollen in the first few days and weeks following your treatment. 
  • You may experience a temporary dulling sensation (numbness), sharp shocks (muscle spasms) or delayed onset of pain and this is normal. These symptoms typically resolve within a few hours but can last for several weeks to months after your procedure.
  • At some point within the first two weeks following the procedure, you may experience one or more of the following sensations
    • Deep itching
    • Tingling
    • Numbness
    • Tenderness to the touch
    • Pain in the treated area
    • Strong cramping, 
    • Diarrhea
    • Muscle spasms, aching and/or soreness. Extra strength Tylenol 1000 mg (2 tablets) may be taken every 6 hours for pain if you are not allergic to it. Over-the-counter Benadryl is helpful for the deep itching and tingling sensations. Consult with your doctor if these conditions persist beyond two weeks or worsen over time.
  • Following the procedure, a gradual reduction in the thickness of the fat layer will take place. You may start to see changes as early as three weeks After CoolSculpting and you will experience the most dramatic results after three months.
  • To ensure the most optimal results, it is mandatory that you wear a specialized compression garment for a minimum of four weeks following your procedure. This minimizes irregularities and maximizes skin contraction.  Please visit to order your garment in advance if you are not ordering in the office.
  • Skin Perfect can order your compression garment for a fee of $150.  You also have the option of visiting to order the garment yourself.

Next Steps

  • Weight gain will prevent you from appreciating your full results. Maintaining a healthy diet and a daily exercise routine can help prevent this.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Schedule a follow-up medical assessment to review your clinical results and discuss the option of additional treatments to achieve desired fat reduction. 



Lancaster Instructions

What to Expect During Your Treatment

  • CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure that may take from one to several hours, depending on your treatment plan.
  • No topical anesthesia or pain medication is required.
  • Please be prepared to take before, during, and after photos for clinical documentation. Your photos will NOT be released without your signed consent and explicit permission, if you choose to do so.
  • As the procedure is initiated, vacuum pressure draws tissue into an applicator cup between cooling panels. The vacuum pressure may cause sensations of pulling, tugging, throbbing, and pinching in the area being treated.
  • You may also experience intense stinging, tingling, aching or cramping. These sensations generally subside as the area becomes numb.

What to Expect Immediately After Your Treatment

  • Immediately after the procedure, your treated area may look or feel stiff and transient blanching (temporary whitening of the skin or redness) may occur.
  • You may feel a sense of nausea or dizziness as your body naturally warms and sensation returns to your treatment area. These are normal reactions that typically resolve within minutes.
  • The treated area may be red for up to a few hours after the applicator is removed. This is an expected but temporary effect after CoolSculpting.
  • Bruising, swelling and tenderness can occur in the treated area. This typically resolves within a week or two.
  • Following abdominal coolsculpting – do not do abdominal workouts for 1-4 days. It can take up to a week to recover depending on the soreness of the abdomen. Abdominal crunches or abdominal workouts will prolong the swelling. If you feel well the day following your coolsculpting procedure, feel free to continue with your daily exercise (avoiding abdominal workouts).
  • Nausea, tingling, stinging and cramping in the treatment area are often reported on treatment day.
  • There is typically very minimal recovery time after CoolSculpting. Most patients are able to return to their daily routine immediately after the procedure.What to Expect in the Days and Weeks Following Your Treatment 
  • It is common for the treated area to feel bloated and look swollen in the first few days and weeks following your treatment. 
  • You may experience a temporary dulling sensation (numbness), sharp shocks (muscle spasms) or delayed onset of pain and this is normal. These symptoms typically resolve within a few hours but can last for several weeks to months after your procedure.
  • At some point within the first two weeks following the procedure, you may experience one or more of the following sensations
    • Deep itching
    • Tingling
    • Numbness
    • Tenderness to the touch
    • Pain in the treated area
    • Strong cramping, 
    • Diarrhea
    • Muscle spasms, aching and/or soreness. Extra strength Tylenol 1000 mg (2 tablets) may be taken every 6 hours for pain if you are not allergic to it. Over-the-counter Benadryl is helpful for the deep itching and tingling sensations. Consult with your doctor if these conditions persist beyond two weeks or worsen over time.
  • Following the procedure, a gradual reduction in the thickness of the fat layer will take place. You may start to see changes as early as three weeks After CoolSculpting and you will experience the most dramatic results after three months.
  • To ensure the most optimal results, it is mandatory that you wear a specialized compression garment for a minimum of four weeks following your procedure. This minimizes irregularities and maximizes skin contraction.  Please visit to order your garment in advance if you are not ordering in the office.
  • Skin Perfect can order your compression garment for a fee of $150.  You also have the option of visiting to order the garment yourself.

Next Steps

  • Weight gain will prevent you from appreciating your full results. Maintaining a healthy diet and a daily exercise routine can help prevent this.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Schedule a follow-up medical assessment to review your clinical results and discuss the option of additional treatments to achieve desired fat reduction. 



Rancho Cucamonga Instructions

What to Expect During Your Treatment

  • CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure that may take from one to several hours, depending on your treatment plan.
  • No topical anesthesia or pain medication is required.
  • Please be prepared to take before, during, and after photos for clinical documentation. Your photos will NOT be released without your signed consent and explicit permission, if you choose to do so.
  • As the procedure is initiated, vacuum pressure draws tissue into an applicator cup between cooling panels. The vacuum pressure may cause sensations of pulling, tugging, throbbing, and pinching in the area being treated.
  • You may also experience intense stinging, tingling, aching or cramping. These sensations generally subside as the area becomes numb.

What to Expect Immediately After Your Treatment

  • Immediately after the procedure, your treated area may look or feel stiff and transient blanching (temporary whitening of the skin or redness) may occur.
  • You may feel a sense of nausea or dizziness as your body naturally warms and sensation returns to your treatment area. These are normal reactions that typically resolve within minutes.
  • The treated area may be red for up to a few hours after the applicator is removed. This is an expected but temporary effect after CoolSculpting.
  • Bruising, swelling and tenderness can occur in the treated area. This typically resolves within a week or two.
  • Following abdominal coolsculpting – do not do abdominal workouts for 1-4 days. It can take up to a week to recover depending on the soreness of the abdomen. Abdominal crunches or abdominal workouts will prolong the swelling. If you feel well the day following your coolsculpting procedure, feel free to continue with your daily exercise (avoiding abdominal workouts).
  • Nausea, tingling, stinging and cramping in the treatment area are often reported on treatment day.
  • There is typically very minimal recovery time after CoolSculpting. Most patients are able to return to their daily routine immediately after the procedure.What to Expect in the Days and Weeks Following Your Treatment 
  • It is common for the treated area to feel bloated and look swollen in the first few days and weeks following your treatment. 
  • You may experience a temporary dulling sensation (numbness), sharp shocks (muscle spasms) or delayed onset of pain and this is normal. These symptoms typically resolve within a few hours but can last for several weeks to months after your procedure.
  • At some point within the first two weeks following the procedure, you may experience one or more of the following sensations
    • Deep itching
    • Tingling
    • Numbness
    • Tenderness to the touch
    • Pain in the treated area
    • Strong cramping, 
    • Diarrhea
    • Muscle spasms, aching and/or soreness. Extra strength Tylenol 1000 mg (2 tablets) may be taken every 6 hours for pain if you are not allergic to it. Over-the-counter Benadryl is helpful for the deep itching and tingling sensations. Consult with your doctor if these conditions persist beyond two weeks or worsen over time.
  • Following the procedure, a gradual reduction in the thickness of the fat layer will take place. You may start to see changes as early as three weeks After CoolSculpting and you will experience the most dramatic results after three months.
  • To ensure the most optimal results, it is mandatory that you wear a specialized compression garment for a minimum of four weeks following your procedure. This minimizes irregularities and maximizes skin contraction.  Please visit to order your garment in advance if you are not ordering in the office.
  • Skin Perfect can order your compression garment for a fee of $150.  You also have the option of visiting to order the garment yourself.

Next Steps

  • Weight gain will prevent you from appreciating your full results. Maintaining a healthy diet and a daily exercise routine can help prevent this.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Schedule a follow-up medical assessment to review your clinical results and discuss the option of additional treatments to achieve desired fat reduction. 



Whittier Instructions

What to Expect During Your Treatment

  • CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure that may take from one to several hours, depending on your treatment plan.
  • No topical anesthesia or pain medication is required.
  • Please be prepared to take before, during, and after photos for clinical documentation. Your photos will NOT be released without your signed consent and explicit permission, if you choose to do so.
  • As the procedure is initiated, vacuum pressure draws tissue into an applicator cup between cooling panels. The vacuum pressure may cause sensations of pulling, tugging, throbbing, and pinching in the area being treated.
  • You may also experience intense stinging, tingling, aching or cramping. These sensations generally subside as the area becomes numb.

What to Expect Immediately After Your Treatment

  • Immediately after the procedure, your treated area may look or feel stiff and transient blanching (temporary whitening of the skin or redness) may occur.
  • You may feel a sense of nausea or dizziness as your body naturally warms and sensation returns to your treatment area. These are normal reactions that typically resolve within minutes.
  • The treated area may be red for up to a few hours after the applicator is removed. This is an expected but temporary effect after CoolSculpting.
  • Bruising, swelling and tenderness can occur in the treated area. This typically resolves within a week or two.
  • Following abdominal coolsculpting – do not do abdominal workouts for 1-4 days. It can take up to a week to recover depending on the soreness of the abdomen. Abdominal crunches or abdominal workouts will prolong the swelling. If you feel well the day following your coolsculpting procedure, feel free to continue with your daily exercise (avoiding abdominal workouts).
  • Nausea, tingling, stinging and cramping in the treatment area are often reported on treatment day.
  • There is typically very minimal recovery time after CoolSculpting. Most patients are able to return to their daily routine immediately after the procedure.What to Expect in the Days and Weeks Following Your Treatment 
  • It is common for the treated area to feel bloated and look swollen in the first few days and weeks following your treatment. 
  • You may experience a temporary dulling sensation (numbness), sharp shocks (muscle spasms) or delayed onset of pain and this is normal. These symptoms typically resolve within a few hours but can last for several weeks to months after your procedure.
  • At some point within the first two weeks following the procedure, you may experience one or more of the following sensations
    • Deep itching
    • Tingling
    • Numbness
    • Tenderness to the touch
    • Pain in the treated area
    • Strong cramping, 
    • Diarrhea
    • Muscle spasms, aching and/or soreness. Extra strength Tylenol 1000 mg (2 tablets) may be taken every 6 hours for pain if you are not allergic to it. Over-the-counter Benadryl is helpful for the deep itching and tingling sensations. Consult with your doctor if these conditions persist beyond two weeks or worsen over time.
  • Following the procedure, a gradual reduction in the thickness of the fat layer will take place. You may start to see changes as early as three weeks After CoolSculpting and you will experience the most dramatic results after three months.
  • To ensure the most optimal results, it is mandatory that you wear a specialized compression garment for a minimum of four weeks following your procedure. This minimizes irregularities and maximizes skin contraction.  Please visit to order your garment in advance if you are not ordering in the office.
  • Skin Perfect can order your compression garment for a fee of $150.  You also have the option of visiting to order the garment yourself.

Next Steps

  • Weight gain will prevent you from appreciating your full results. Maintaining a healthy diet and a daily exercise routine can help prevent this.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Schedule a follow-up medical assessment to review your clinical results and discuss the option of additional treatments to achieve desired fat reduction. 



How Much Does CoolSculpting Elite Cost in SoCal?

Skin Perfect offers several financing options that can help you make your CoolSculpting Elite dreams a reality.

Most patients do require more than one CoolSculpting Elite session for optimal results. The cost of your CoolSculpting Elite treatment will depend on the number of sessions needed and the number of locations on the body to be treated. During your personal consultation, the Skin Perfect team will be able to determine your individualized course of treatment and give you an accurate price quote.


What’s the difference between CoolSculpting and CoolSculpting Elite?

CoolSculpting Elite is the new advanced version of the CoolSculpting body contouring system.  CoolSculpting Elite has improved on the original technology by featuring two applicators instead of one, and larger, more ergonomic applicators for more efficient treatment. Both CoolSculpting and CoolSculpting Elite use cryolipolysis to freeze and eliminate fat cells.

Is CoolSculpting Elite painful?

CoolSculpting Elite is non-surgical and non-invasive. You may experience slight discomfort during the adhesion of the applicator, but the slight tingling or aching usually disappears in a few minutes. Some patients report lingering tingling or irritation in the treatment area following their session, but this is a temporary side effect. 


  1. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Dermatologists #1 Influencer for Cosmetic Procedures and Skin Care Decisions.; 2018. Accessed February 5, 2021.
  2. AbbVie. CoolSculpting® by Allergan Aesthetics Expands Body Contouring Portfolio With CoolSculpting® Elite | AbbVie News Center. Published January 26, 2021. Accessed February 5, 2021. 
  1. Sadick, N., Luebberding, S., Mai, S. V., & Krueger, N. (2014). Cryolipolysis for noninvasive body contouring: Clinical efficacy and patient satisfaction. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, 201. doi:10.2147/ccid.s44371
  2. Stevens, W. G., Pietrzak, L. K., & Spring, M. A. (2013). Broad Overview of a Clinical and Commercial Experience With CoolSculpting. Aesthetic Surgery Journal,33(6), 835-846. doi:10.1177/1090820×13494757